Directed and Animated by Greg Sharp and Ivan Dixon
Category: 2011
Wagon Christ – Chunkothy
Directed by Celyn Brazier
Animated by Celyn Brazier and Bali Engel
The Ghost In You – when our bedrooms were once haunted
Directed and Animated by Billy Polard
Handsome Kenya – Korekuraide Utau
Animated and Directed by Kosuke Sugimoto
The Planets- Moving Along
Directed and Animated by Patrick Smith (@scribblejunkie)
Directed and Animated by Mizuki Okunaka
The Tender March
Directed and Animated by Wataru Uekusa
Animation assistance from Moe Koyano and Emiko Shirayama
Animated by Shishi Yamazaki (@shishiy)
Music by Akiko Yano
We Cut Corners – Pirate’s Life
Directed and Animated by Kasia Kijek and Przemek Adamski
Production images and videos have been posted by the directors here.
Animation and Music by Asami Ike (@LILtasm)
Additional information is available on the artists website.